HOLDINGS AT THE DIALECT ARCHIVE The collection of sound recordings forms a major part of the Archive. It was started in 1962 and contains more than 1000 hours of recordings of various dialects. An abundance of data is also held here in manuscript form.
The Institute holds and constantly supplements a paper card file of The Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language. This is the biggest collection of lexical data in Lithuania, comprising data not only from modern writings and periodicals but also from dialects and old writings. It was started in 1902 by Kazimieras Būga. It consists of a main card file (4.5 million lexical units) and a supplementary card file (more than 0.5 million lexical units intended for new editions of this dictionary). An electronic card file of supplements to The Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language is being prepared. This project to collect and computerize card file data is supported by the State Commission for the Lithuanian Language.
Card file of place names
recorded from the living language (600,000 units). |
© Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, The Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Lithuanian Institute of History, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, 2003 - 2006 |